Sunday, August 16, 2009

all good things must come to an end

Well as some of you know I am moving to another apartment soon, but I am going to miss this place, as you can see from the picture above I have a view of the ocean, and a mountain.

Another reason I liked this place was because the gangsters and street kids hang out right on the corner of the building so ministry was never far away! That being said it also had it’s challenges too in that I could never get away from ministry...

In the end the reason I’m moving has nothing to do with the gangsters and street kids on the corner, they always made things interesting during the day. It’s the cockroaches in the building I’m in, for the past few months we have had a serious cockroach infestation and we think it’s from the neighbors because we have done everything to get rid of those things and nothing has worked.

So we are moving to the other end of the street where we no longer will have an ocean view, but we actually have furniture. I’m actually not sure when the last time was that I had furniture in the place I lived... other than a mattress on the floor. So God continues to bless us everywhere we go.

Though this blog update actually has nothing to do with the ministry I’m doing I just thought I’d post it because it shows God’s faithfulness in the little things, as well as the big things. He’s looking out for us.

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