Sunday, August 16, 2009


Things that stick with you for a life time are not things you see every day. It’s the things that shock you, or make you uncontrollably happy that have the biggest impact on your life.

I thought there was pretty much nothing I could see that would shock me anymore.  I’ve seen things that few people from the West have ever had a chance to see and I’ve seen things that no human should ever have to see.  

That being said, nothing could have prepared me for the impact one of my friends has already had on my life.  Her name is Angela. I met her about 3 or 4 weeks ago doing door to door ministry with my friend Spu.  She was laying in bed talking to us and I honestly thought it was kind of odd, “why is the beautiful girl just lying in bed, why doesn’t she sit up and talked to us?”  

It was then that she lifted her arm out from under the covers.  When I saw how skinny her arm was and that I could see every bone on her hand and shoulder I automatically knew she was sick with the disease that has claimed so many lives in Africa.  

Now I have seen this many times before, when people are so sick and skinny from this disease that they don’t have the strength to get up out of bed. It wasn’t the site that shocked me. It was the story.

Angela’s mom sat there and told us how every prayer she has ever prayed for her daughter had come true.  She prayed that she would always be in a loving family. When her dad got drunk and abusive he left and was never heard from again. She was able to love her daughter the way God intended, she had her loving family.

When it was time for Angela to go to school her mom prayed that God would provide a way for her to go to a “white person” school.  God opened that door, and she got a good education and because of that she got a good job after school.

Angela now has a daughter of her own but is unable to look after her. The prayer now is for healing, Pray for Angela to get her strength back, to be able to walk, be well again, to be able to mother her child and love her the way that her own mother loved her.  Though Angela may have made some mistakes there is forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ.   A once bright future has been dimmed by mistakes made, but it can also be re-lit and redeemed by the power of God. 

I personally believe she will walk again, work again, and live a totally normal life again.  God’s grace is unmeasured and can not be contained.  Whether it’s from the medicine she takes or just a complete miracle she will get better.

I hope you will all join me in prayer for Angela.  

Angela now has a daughter of her own but is unable to look after her.  Please pray for Angela:
 * to be healed,
 * to regain her strength,
 * to be able to walk, 
 * to be well again,
 * to be able to mother her child,
 * to love her the way that her own mother loved her. 

Though Angela may have made some mistakes there is forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ.   A once bright future has been dimmed by mistakes made, but it can also be re-lit and redeemed by the power of God. 

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